Thursday, April 12, 2012

Traffic School

Talking about my platform, "Ready Behind the Wheel," in Orem Traffic Schools is AMAZING and INVIGORATING! Each week I have several opportunities to connect with Orem citizens about the dangers of distracted driving and to encourage them to PLEDGE to being ready behind the wheel each time they turn the ignition of the cars. The Utah Department of Transportation and Utah Highway Patrol reports the state's traffic fatalities every year. In 2011, 233 people died on Utah roads. In 2010, there were 235 deaths. A major contributing factor in these deaths is distracted driving. We can do better than this.
I strongly believe that the best way to end distracted driving is to EDUCATE drivers and passengers about the dangers and consequences of distracted driving.
I urge class members to pledge to make their cars a "NO PHONE ZONE" and give out car window stickers to help act as a reminder and to raise awareness.
If everyone were to watch the story of Reggie Shaw (link below) and the fatalities due to texting while driving, it would encourage them to commit to always being
Love, Hannah Harkness
Miss Orem 2011

1 comment:

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