Monday, March 12, 2012

Traffic School

Presenting my platform, "Ready Behind the Wheel" in the Orem Traffic Schools is going STRONG! The Orem Department of Public Safety, Traffic Division has been so incredibly supportive and helpful. Last week I was able to work with Sgt. Weech.
The classes are always able to come up with a list of common distractions while driving; eating, personal hygiene like shaving or putting on make-up, reading books or magazines, changing clothes and of course using cell phones and texting.

But the class members are surprised when we give the statistics that talking on a cellular phone while driving is just as dangerous as driving drunk.

Researchers have documented that the problem of talking on cell phones while driving is "distraction of the mind." It takes 31% of our mind AWAY FROM DRIVING when we are talking on our cell phones. That increases drivers' crash risk FOUR TIMES.

We need to make driving our primary focus and be ready behind the wheel each time we turn on the ignition of our cars.

Love, Hannah Harkness

Miss Orem 2011

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