Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Power2Become has taken on the project of collecting shoes for Africa! All of the Miss Utah contestants are collecting as many as 1,000 pairs of shoes to be told in Burkina Faso so they can establish water wells and farmland. It amazes me how willing friends, family, and strangers have been to donate their used shoes to this great cause. I have learned so much from the project, but am not done yet! I'm collecting until May 2nd, so keep the shoes coming! (The contestant who collects the most will go to Africa as a reward!)
Yesterday I recruited my friends and family to count the shoes and make sure they all have a match. We had a lot of fun as we bagged and labeled them all :)

Thanks for helping to Create the Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are more of my favorite people in the world: these boys of mine were SO helpful on the morning that we delivered the shoes at the drop-off! They stayed for several hours and hauled all of my shoes, and the shoes of a lot of the other Miss Utah contestants. Quite the job, and it gave us a pretty good workout for the day! There will be another drop-off time in May, but this first delivery gave me the sum of 1,684 pounds of shoes! Holy Moly that's a lot. I am so grateful for all those who have donated and helped me in this project! I love you all.

Each of these shoes has a story... This pile has mission shoes, pageant shoes, running shoes that have been around the world, baby's first sneakers, favorite pair of snow boots, the list goes on! One incredible woman sought me out so she could donate all of her husband's old shoes after he passed away. I love seeing people rise to the occasion to donate to a good cause!
Love, Maddi Millard
Miss Orem 2014-2015

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