Monday, June 16, 2014

Orem Summerfest 2014. Best weekend ever!

The Orem Summerfest is an event that I look forward to year round! Everything we did as the Royalty was an absolute blast! That includes the appreciation dinner, judging the baby contest, performing all our talents, supporting the vendors, inviting little girls to our princess tea party, and of course the PARADE!

In addition to Emily's post, I just want to add a few more pictures of the rest of the weekend!
There is no better way to kick off Summer Fest than with a fun dinner.

Emily and I loved being a part of the entertainment that night.

We also got to congratulate the Student Marshals from the Jr high schools! They were all so great! 

Since the Osmonds were the Grand Marshals this year, their family was at the appreciation dinner! These little girls were adorable.
 Plus, I am definitely a fan of David Osmond!

We had so much fun performing! 

I just want to say how much I love this entire royalty. These girls are always able to make the best of everything they do! They are all great examples of talent, poise, service, and friendship and I'm thankful for the Miss Orem program that has brought us all together! :)


Our grand finale was dancing to some music from Frozen! Then of course we had to practice our Princess wave in preparation for the Parade:) 

I have a secret talent of making Gourmet Quesadillas so when I saw this booth, I got a little too excited.
I absolutely love these girls!! They are having a 5K on June 21st called Summer Solstice! Look it up if you like running :)

I love my sweet niece :) My family's support at this performance made it so fun!

We began the day by judging the baby contest! It was a super hard job because every single kid there was adorable, but we managed to get through and have a great time!

Even though there were a couple of unexpected surprises regarding the float, we still made the parade a great experience!!!

My favorite part of the parade was driving past my family and hearing them cheer:)

Saturday after the parade was filled with VIP food, a couple rides, pictures and much more!

 These few days were everything I hoped for and I was so grateful to be there as Miss Orem. 

The best way to end the day was watching the beautiful fireworks with my family:)

Love, Maddi Millard
Miss Orem 2014-2015


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